This course is designed for front line staff and volunteers who offer information, advice and support service for vulnerable adults. It is based on
The National Competence Framework which was developed following consultation with
a wide range of agencies, service users and carers. It also drew on findings
from serious case reviews and from CQC inspection reports.
For front line staff and volunteers there are 5 areas of competence that you need to evidence:
1. Understand what Safeguarding is and your role in Safeguarding Adults.
2. Recognise an adult potentially in need of Safeguarding and take action
3. Understand how to make a safeguarding referral
4. Understand dignity and respect when working with individuals.
5. Have knowledge of your local Multi-Agency Safeguarding Procedures.
Each competency requires that you provide evidence of your knowledge and understanding. Completing this course will provide you with a certificate of achievement.
- Gestor: Becki Pateman
- Gestor: Ruth Stanforth
- Gestor: Naomi Sykes