Introduction to the Level 2 Award in Independent Advocacy
Site: | Carers Federation VLE |
Course: | City and Guilds Level 2 Award in Independent Advocacy Unit - 201 |
Book: | Introduction to the Level 2 Award in Independent Advocacy |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Saturday, 1 February 2025, 7:41 AM |
Learning Outcome 1
Outcome 1 Understand the principles of Independent Advocacy
Assessment criteria
The candidate can:
1.1 Identify the principles of independent advocacy
1.2 Describe the circumstances which may lead to an individual accessing independent advocacy
1.3 Identify people independent advocacy supports
1.4 Describe independent advocacy models
Principles: e.g. outlined within the Advocacy Charter (e.g. independence, inclusion, client focused, empowerment, choice)
Circumstances: oppression, communication issues, lack of information, discrimination, social exclusion, mental health needs
People: e.g. learning disabilities, mental health conditions, older people, young people
Models: e.g. Citizen Advocacy, issue based, group/collective, statutory, self
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Outcome 2 Understand the role of the Independent Advocate
Assessment criteria
The candidate can:
2.1 Explain the role of the independent advocate
2.2 Describe the skills and attributes required for independent advocacy
2.3 Identify activities which are outside of an independent advocate’s role
2.4 Describe what individuals gain from independent advocacy
Role: e.g. supporting an individual to have a voice, supporting an individual to make choices, safeguarding, challenging discrimination, information provider, representation
Skills and attributes: e.g. active listen, communication skills, approachability, reliability, perseverance, non-judgmental
Activities which are outside of: giving advice of any kind, replacing any part of a health or social services professional’s role, helping with practical activities, becoming a befriender
Gain: e.g. having a voice, being listened to, gaining confidence, understanding rights, having the support of someone who is not judging or assessing them
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Outcome 3 Understand communication methods used in Independent Advocacy
Assessment criteria
The candidate can:
3.1 Describe the method of active listening
3.2 Identify ways of communicating with advocacy partners
3.3 Explain how accurate record keeping aids communication
Active listening: e.g. structured, focus on the speaker, paying close attention, understand the message, not interrupting, reflection and feedback, respond appropriately, showing interest,
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Outcome 4 Understand equality, diversity and inclusion
Assessment criteria
The candidate can:
4.1 Define the terms
• equality
• diversity
4.2 Describe different types of discrimination
4.3 Identify activities undertaken in independent advocacy to support inclusion
Types of discrimination: e.g. direct, indirect, passive, institutional
Activities e.g. accessible buildings, accessible referral systems, accessible information, complaints, appeals
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